Our Philosophy

The Stables at Cottonwood’s philosophy is that horses are happier and healthier moving outside, socializing and living in herds the way nature intended. While we can’t provide exactly what nature would provide, we can try to get close!
The horses at The Stables at Cottonwood are outside 24 hours a day 7 days a week, unless we have inclement, weather (extreme heat/cold or storms).
The horses are brought in twice a day to their own stall to eat their determined grain and any supplements that their owner provides. They are provided fresh, clean water and coastal hay both inside and /or outside depending on the weather.
Placement in a pasture is determined after consulting with the owner and observing the personality of the horse. Knowing the inner working of each pasture, we can then determine the best home for the horse. Their pasture groups and location stay consistent! The horses are monitored throughout the day and last thing in the evening. If the horses are in at night, there is a late night check when they are hayed and watered again. There is always someone at The Stables at Cottonwood with eyes on the horses. In addition to our experienced staff, our members really look out for each other. We are a close community!
We have regularly scheduled visits with many excellent professionals in veterinary, care, hoof care, dental care, and horsemanship education.